Sunday, May 14, 2006


Your comments are desired on some notes I jotted down yesterday in a few precious minutes of spare time; you do have to create a username, etc., but it can be as anonymous as you wish. Here is a short list (in "slogan format") of challenges I have met and causes I have supported in my career in the law, politics, and business over the past 30 years:

When the powers that be wanted to bypass Kaua`i’s 55 foot height limit for hotels and condos—Mike fought it.

When community members and leaders wanted to form a new United Nations Association to support the work of the U.N. and reform it--Mike helped and served as a founding member on Kaua`i.

When Native Hawaiians needed the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Hawaiian Homelands reforms—Mike helped in fight at the 1978 Con Con and the Hawaii State Legislature.

When victims of Agent Orange needed compensation for their disabilities—Mike fought for them.

When the builders of H-Power wanted to eliminate scrubbers that would lower emission of pollutants--Mike joined the fight to ensure environmental safeguards.

When it was time to fight Hawaii’s dysfunctional judicial selection system—Mike fought for justice.

When some in the scientific community joined the energy industry in opposing the Kyoto treaty's controls on greenhouse gas emissions--Mike joined the fight against global warming and climate change that threatens Pacific Island peoples and millions around the globe.

When the Attorney General attacked the Constitutional Amendments passed by the people of Hawaii in 1996—Mike fought to uphold them.

When help was needed by victims of fraud, abuse, neglect, negligence, homelessness, harassment, natural disasters, bureaucracy, police violence, and government indifference and over reaching-- Mike fought for them in the Courts.

When it was time for Americans to stand up and be counted in opposition to Neo-Con plans for launching a pre-emptive war and the occupation of Iraq--Mike has stood firm in opposing the disastrous policies of the Bush administration.

Mike will continue to fight for Hawaii and its people in the U.S. Congress.

Fight for our future. Vote for Mike Salling for U.S. Congress.

A new face / A strong voice.
Mike Salling for U. S. Congress

I was just having fun with this, but your input would be helpful when it comes time to design a brochure and mailers for the campaign. For most of these "bullet points" a Hawaii Supreme Court citation can be supplied, along with dates, etc. Please share your comments, insights, and reactions. Be brutal!

Mike / Misha


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