The Carlyle Group

The worst part about yesterday was forgetting it was Wed. and missing a PBS presentation I'd been looking forward to for weeks: BILL MOYER's "Is God Green?" Missing choir practice was the second worst... I truly thought it was Tuesday. I'm not sure at what point I completely lost my grip on reality; probably sometime around 6:00 pm when I should have been relaxing over dinner.
By this morning I was still delusional, and debated with Bea far longer than should have been necessary before she convinced me that today is indeed Thursday, and we do indeed have a commitment to deliver her brother and his girlfriend to HNL Intl. at noon. That means I'll be late for my lunch meeting with HPU colleagues, but I'm sure they'll save my sandwich for me.
Here's the blog entry I promised Randall at HawnTel (they go by first names there) an hour ago when he called to get to the bottom of my complaints about his colleagues and his overlords.
To: Fellow Blogger Terrance--
From: Mish
Time: 1:00 am 12 October 2006
Re: How's this for a blog entry?
In the past 24 hours I've had a near death experience (terminal indigestion) after single-handedly consuming half a Costo chicken (skin included) and at least 8 oz. of chocolate covered baklava (not to mention the pint of diet coke & greens); in additon, my car was towed on Nuuanu Ave. this morning, and I spent the next 12 hours in a nightmarish tech-support netherworld being bounced back and forth like an exer-ball at a fitness club for deranged speed addicts, between Satan's minions (Carlyle Group's phone co.) and an odious purveyer of wireless internet routers with a name onomatapoeticlally similar to the sound I've been making all day, and the sound I wanted to make over the toilet all the night before, but never succeeded in doing.
Now the desktop computer monitor I've been in front of all day inexplicabley displays only that dreaded 4 word error message on its starkly vacant screen, black as the soul of the tech support demon who hung up on me this afternoon after I'd waited in the f----- "queue" for at least 15 minutes (for the 3rd or 4th time.)
Is there a silver lining? Yes, this is America after all, isn't it--the land of the free, not to mention the empowered and the entitled? And I am as as stubborn and neurotic as most underemployed Irish seniors in America today (picture Jack Nicholson in The Departed) hoping against hope that each crisis is more of a midlife, rather than an "end of life", phenomenon.
The good news? This message is being sent to you via our new (secured) wireless network (Belken_510). I did it all by myself (OK - Bea helped.)
May I have an audience tomorrow antime at your convenience?
PS (10:00 a.m.)
Bea also fixed the Compaq--something about the F1 key.
"Knowledge is happiness. [It is knowing]
the great heart-throbs of humanity
through the centuries; and if one does
not feel in these pulsations a
heavenward striving, one must indeed be
deaf to the harmonies of life."
- Helen Keller -
You are marked ...
By dissin' the Carlyle group explicitly as you did, you have inadvertently launched an attack on Dick "Sphinx" Chaney's person. If you do not "cease and desist" such activity, you may be considered an "enemy combatant" under the new Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Although you are selling your home as per the most current entry, the proceeds may be of little use when your new residence is in the Kellogg, Brown, and Root (subsidiary of Halliburton) internment center (location undisclosed at the moment).
You are marked ...
By dissin' the Carlyle group explicitly as you did, you have inadvertently launched an attack on Dick "Sphinx" Chaney's person. If you do not "cease and desist" such activity, you may be considered an "enemy combatant" under the new Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Although you are selling your home as per the most current entry, the proceeds may be of little use when your new residence is in the Kellogg, Brown, and Root (subsidiary of Halliburton) internment center (location undisclosed at the moment).
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